Friday, May 30, 2008

Sex & the City + Lucky Friend = Fun Night out!!!

Here is my Lucky Friend Malinda and I on the Red carpet at the Boston Premiere of Sex & the City! Yes, I got to see it a whole day earlier than everyone else!!! I have to say, it was REALLY good!!!! Thank you to my sister, Pam, for making me watch I don't care what the critics say, everyone in that theatre was laughing hysterically. And a few "Awwwwwws." We followed that up with the after party at Felt. VIP pass and all - they still make you hike up 4 flights of stairs in 4 inch heels - ha ha ha. Great time, great movie, great friends..........

So Busy So Busy - New Stuff!!!!

Ideas camer to me as I did my weekly shopping...and here it is. What do you think???

Monday, May 26, 2008

I want a horse!!!!!!!

Me and Rosey...
Haley, Me, and Apache right before he bit me - lol.

My Mum-in-law and her stud, Lance :-)

My Hunky Hubby and Lance

Haley giving Apache some love
They are beautiful creatures, with amazingly unique personalities. They make you want to just ride off into the Sunset.........
If you too are a horse Mother-in-law is just beginning in all natural horse products. her sister also has an all natural dog product company. Nothing too good for the things that make us smile....

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Babe!!!!!

I know he won't even read this, but anyway........HAPPY BIRTHDAY Hun!!!!! I love you!!!!
I thought the 72 thing was funny? He didn't - lol :-)

Picture of Today

So yeah. She walks into the kitchen while drawing on her arm. With PERMANENT red marker. I can't get it off to save my life. When I tell you she needs a cage or a leash or at least an alarm to let me know when she is doing something she shouldn't. I suppose then I would just have constant ringing in my ears. Oh boy......what's going to happen when the terrible two's start? Let's not think about that.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

A Special Thanks!

Photgraph by Jessica Echavarria
To my friend of a million years, Malinda!!!!! She has helped us tremendously in the graphic designing of Purple Treez. Isn't she beautious? Breathtaking if you ask me. Here on her wedding day in Oct. 2007. Thank you to you and I can't wait till our next session!! Next Thrusday! Love you!

New Designs

So here is the final for my business card. I will post Lisa's ASAP too!!! Hopefully it's actually as good as I think it is!!!

And for the magnet for my car...we have the above.
Hopefully have these within the week and get a move on things. On what I don't know, but something anyway.

Bridal Party Pics

Group shot here.....

These are both of the Maid-of-Honor set. I just couldn't choose which one I like better.


Jr. Bridesmaid

Flower Girl

Mini Flower Girl

Here is a combined effort of Lisa and I. We are very proud to present our first Bridal Party set. if this is the beginning i can't wait to see the future!!!!!!!

Checkin in

Ok - So I literally sat in the same spot today for 4 hours straight. Ironically, the same place I sit right now. Lisa and I were up until 3am this morning to be woken up by my lil' Munchkin just shy of 8am. You know we used to do this often, but it's not much a hot commodety in our lives these days. We worked our little behinds off. We got our first wedding/bridal party gift set all done. A Maid-of-Honor, Bridesmaid, Jr. Bridesmaid, a Flower Girl, and a Mini Flower Girl. Phew. I am sooooooo beyond pleased at the results though. I have to say we definetely deserve a pat on the back. All to be followed up by getting our website up and running. As you can see from my last post, we were just so excited about it I posted in the wee hours...ha ha ha. Get ready for me to promote it all over the place it all over the place! I may get annoying. Just a warning.

Tomorrow is my hubbies birthday and lucky for my jewelry his idea of a good time is to go work on his car. So hopefully I will have more to show then, but I am going to post the bridal jewelry we did because I am just so proud.

Let's go with a quote - shall we?

"Never give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about." - Unknown

I think that one is post-it note worthy!!!!

Friday, May 23, 2008

She's Here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We did it....she's still under construction, but let me know what you think!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Fave picS of the day....

Me and my favorite girls.....

She says we tied....rematch next time.....

Today was a better day.

Took a half day today. lovely weather. Got some much needed errands done and still had time to take the kids to the park. Always love it when the day allows.....

I did get a quote today that made me feel good. Simple. Real Simple actually, but here it goes...

" Every day may not be good, but there's something good in every day."
— Anonymous

I agree. I did run into a woman at the craft store today that was more than willing to talk with me about jewelry making. I got her email address. Turns out she actually teaches it! All about the hook ups, right?

We will go on with tomorrow and see whats around the next bend or behind the next door.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Fave pic to brighten the day.......

Simple sweetness and a big "HI!" from this little chick puts a smile on my face everytime!!!!!!!

Bad News Monday

So I get up this morning like any other. Actually got nicely dressed and put make-up on for once. Get to work late as usual and then....boom. Team meeting. Not just any team meeting, but the team meeting that ends all other team meetings. Literally. There will no longer be a team. Superb. Just what I needed. So I guess here comes the life reflections and the where do we go from here?

I have no idea. I'm thinking take the Summer off and enjoy my kids. The jobs are far and few between and I just don't know what to do from here so nothing like frollicing in the lake with my girlies, right? Let's see if that how it plays out.....let's go with a quote for good measure.....

"You are the most important asset you have; treat yourself accordingly."
Lucy MacDonald

Yeah - let's go with that!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Going to dip into the vain pool for this one.

I'm sorry, I just like this picture. It doesn't eve look like me!!!!!!! Who is that????

Weekend is gone :-(

I need just one more day! Anyone with me?? We started out with a pocketbook party, I'd rather not get into how it ended, but I paid dearly for 2 days. I accomplished absolutely nothing this entire weekend. Oh boy. Although, it's been relaxing. I don't know when the last time I just did nothing was. Well it was this weekend. Back to the grind tomorrow. No fun and tomorrow looks to be just aggravating. Oh well - lets kick out a little quote and call it a night, shall we?

"The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up."
Mark Twain

So go make someone happy!!!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Favo Pico

This is my fave pic today, not because it's the most flattering, but because it was the close of a great day. Me and the hubby actually got to spend daytime AND nighttime hours together as a adults and as a couple. It's a rare occurance, but forever cherished.

Is it 10 O'clock already/

It's Ten O'clock. Do you know where your kids are? Mine are tucked nicely in bed. Along with my husband after his McDonald's fix. I as well ate way to much. I need to stop or I am going to undo everything I have already done. I don't think I have been getting enough motivational quotes - lol. Once again millions of ideas floating around in my head and not enough time to make them all happen. So Wednesday winds down and here I sit watching my ever faithful "Ghost Hunters" and I just love this show. I always get bummed out because no ghosts ever visit me. To be honest and not at all ungrateful, but I really don't know too many ghosts. I always wonder what I would do if I came in contact with an "energy." I think it would be cool, but I can't for sure say that I wouldn't tickle a bit on accident either. Try anything once, right?

Had my parent/teacher conference today for Haley. I remember the days being scared for when my Mom came home from those. Happy to say nothing but good reports....other than one little thing. Apparently the clicky stuff starts earlier now a days. Oh my. She'll be fine. She's a good girl. Mom's last words, right? Funny though, I don't think my Mom ever said it. She recently learned to appreciate my "minor incidents" as a rebellious teen or what have you. I guess I also learned in the long run she wasn't trying to kill my party, just make me use my head. Don't you hate it when Mom is always right? I did...that is until I became one and now I always get to be right - lol - you know because now I am older and wiser - ha ha ha.

Just to touch base one the little one, Ashley. Can't say I worry about her much. She would probably lay someone out that was mean to her or her sister. She's a fiesty one. When I tell you this child NEVER sits still. Never plays with the same thing twice. She really walks in circles all day and just pushes any buttons she happens to see along the way. Her other obsession is stuffing herself into small spaces. The other day I found her stuffed in the bottom drawer of our filing cabinet. IN the drawer.....then there is always the attempts to turn the dog water bowl into a kiddie pool. When I am in the basement with the telephone she will stand at the phone base and hit the page button repeatedly until I come back upstairs and then runs away from the counter. Trouble oh the trouble she is gonna cause.

Apparently I had a lit to say tonight - so shall we leave off with a motivational hopes that we don't eat like a glutton tomorrow :-)

"Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall."

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Newest jewelry....

My Favorite!!!! This picture doesn't even do it justice! Just ask Cindy, she bought it!!! Yay!

Also going to Cindy my other fave!!

Pretty purple.

Cross your heart.

Buddah feelings going to Amanda :-)

Simply bright and white.
We'll call this the beginning of my ribbon period. Lisa and I went to a couple jewelry and bead shows this weekend. The ribbon work definetely caught my eye and seems to be beautiful on everyone that wears it. Simply delicate. What do you think?

Monday, May 12, 2008

So Behind So Behind

Happy Mother's Day to everyone!! I hope it was all you needed!!!

Here are some of the quotes i've been collecting....

" A mother is not a person to lean on, but a person to make leaning unnecessary."
— Dorothy Canfield Fisher


"The unthankful heart discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and, as the magnet finds the iron, so it will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings!"
— Henry Ward Beecher


Thursday, May 8, 2008

Picola Favorita

This is my guy right here! My Grandpa....."The 2 of us...the 2 of's a good thing there isn't any more of us."

Thats my favorite memory of him. He sang that song all the time when I would watch tv with him in his room. Accept it was 3 of us because his dog Sandy was always there to. I am so lucky that he is part of my family and I love him very much. I know he is 82, but I hope he loves for another 82 years to bless my kids with his presence. Just a little tribute because I'm thinking of him.......

Bibbity Bobbity Boo

So I'm in a weird mood tonight, who knows what I will end up talking about. Sitting here on my chair. Just finished making a Mother's Day pearl jewelry set for someone and now I sit thinking of what the heck I am going to get my own Mother?? I have no idea. She has everything!!! I don't know - this is going to take some deep thought. Probably should have been deep thought about a month ago, but you know. Always goes back to the same thing. Lack of time. Of course I know what I want. I have dropped the hint once or twice to my husband. I guess we will see what

Night time television is depressing. No wonder people go and watch American Idol. At least some isn't being brutally murdered (besides a song or 2) or kidnapped, or terrerism. Makes you think about the things that keep our attention and entertain us.

From here we can go to tomorrow. Short day at work and thats always a good thing. I had brain overload today and I'm hoping that when I go to sleep and wake up I will understand maybe even just a few of the facts I was supposed to absorb.

I feel like I have a million things I am supposed to be doing, but for some reason can't think of one. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......lets go with a quote:

"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them."
— Walt Disney (quote brought to you by my nifty daily emails from )

If Walt Disney himself couldn't say it right then we have been putting our faith in a wonderland to waste. I think he hits the mark though.

Does anyone else feel the changing of the winds? I feel big changes for everyone ahead. The good news...I see it all being pleasant. The bad news? Well I dont' really have any. So good night and sweet dreams......

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Gobble gobble

This was what I was doing at 7:30am yesterday. Attempting to be quiet while Haley and Ashley yelled out the door. I believe they were doing some kind of mating ritual. Mr. Turkey here was chasing after 2 ladies! Go him! And thanks to him for making us stop to realize the other "worlds" around us........

Busy Busy Busy

So I have so many other things I should be doing...but alas here I am. Craziness all around me. Some fabulous and some less than. Chaos all around...ahhh the joys of life. So for the long awaited quote of the day....

"When you come to the end of all the light you know, and it is time to step into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing that one of two things shall happen: Either you will be given something solid to stand on or you will be taught to fly."
~Edward Teller

For anyone that is at the end of their light....shine on and live tomorrow better than yesterday.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Funny things Haley says....

So my Haley is 6 1/2 now (ugh - That makes me nausious). Ok - so Andy's Dad, Grampy Pup, decided to take Haley on a shopping spree. Not to jump ahead, but this kid came home with mostly clothes and one toy!?! What kinda kid does that? Mine I suppose :-). But lets back track. She had dancing earlier that day so I didn't tell her until I picked her up because I just would've had a million I tell her on the way home. She sat in the back seat real quiet for a while and then she says, "Mumma, my head is all messed up right now."

Now here I am thinking she has a headache or something. So I say, "What do you mean?"

She says, "You know when my room is messy and there is stuff all over the floor?" Very serious.

"Do you mean you are thinking about a lot of things all at once?" I ask with a slight grin (God forbid she thinks you find her funny).

"Yeah Yeah...that's what I mean!" she realizes.

"I just can't choose what I want to think about." from Haley and then "Well what are our choices?" I ask.

"I don't really know."

"Are you just trying to figure out what you want to get when you go shopping?" I start realizing.

A nice and quiet, "Yeah...."

"Why don't you just wait till you get to the store and then decide." Good suggestion I guess, she didn't say anything more and then we pulled in the driveway.

So Andy takes her and then pick her up from her little spree and I ask, "So did you get the mess picked up in your head?"

Her reply......

"Yup! I put all the books back on the shelves...but I left a few toys out because I'm still playing with them!"

Okay - I had nothing to say after that - she pretty much ended it with better creativity than I would have ever have.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Making up for lost time...2 fave pix today!!!

Ashley and Muffy...I guess we can see what Muffy is thinking about...
And Haley and Roxy......Roxy acting as though she is a patient food dropper waiter.