Monday, May 19, 2008

Bad News Monday

So I get up this morning like any other. Actually got nicely dressed and put make-up on for once. Get to work late as usual and then....boom. Team meeting. Not just any team meeting, but the team meeting that ends all other team meetings. Literally. There will no longer be a team. Superb. Just what I needed. So I guess here comes the life reflections and the where do we go from here?

I have no idea. I'm thinking take the Summer off and enjoy my kids. The jobs are far and few between and I just don't know what to do from here so nothing like frollicing in the lake with my girlies, right? Let's see if that how it plays out.....let's go with a quote for good measure.....

"You are the most important asset you have; treat yourself accordingly."
Lucy MacDonald

Yeah - let's go with that!

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