Thursday, May 8, 2008

Bibbity Bobbity Boo

So I'm in a weird mood tonight, who knows what I will end up talking about. Sitting here on my chair. Just finished making a Mother's Day pearl jewelry set for someone and now I sit thinking of what the heck I am going to get my own Mother?? I have no idea. She has everything!!! I don't know - this is going to take some deep thought. Probably should have been deep thought about a month ago, but you know. Always goes back to the same thing. Lack of time. Of course I know what I want. I have dropped the hint once or twice to my husband. I guess we will see what

Night time television is depressing. No wonder people go and watch American Idol. At least some isn't being brutally murdered (besides a song or 2) or kidnapped, or terrerism. Makes you think about the things that keep our attention and entertain us.

From here we can go to tomorrow. Short day at work and thats always a good thing. I had brain overload today and I'm hoping that when I go to sleep and wake up I will understand maybe even just a few of the facts I was supposed to absorb.

I feel like I have a million things I am supposed to be doing, but for some reason can't think of one. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......lets go with a quote:

"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them."
— Walt Disney (quote brought to you by my nifty daily emails from )

If Walt Disney himself couldn't say it right then we have been putting our faith in a wonderland to waste. I think he hits the mark though.

Does anyone else feel the changing of the winds? I feel big changes for everyone ahead. The good news...I see it all being pleasant. The bad news? Well I dont' really have any. So good night and sweet dreams......

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