Thursday, September 25, 2008

I've been a bad girl....

I have not been posting much, and I am missing it! I hope you have enjoyed what I have been able to come up with. Thanks for your patience. Let's see, with me, there is tons of homework. Then there's running back and forth to the bus stop, which I know doesn't sound very hard, but it really is. I spend more time waiting for the bus than anything else. Then Haley gets off the bus with her little friend Olivia. Separating these two is like separating Cheech and Chong. (Sorry, first thing that came to my mind, I don't even know if I spelled it right. I've never actually seen one of their movies.) Haley has homework now which is great fun. What the hell happened to simple things? I hope with all these weird ways of teaching we end up with a better generation than whats running us now. I will not go political. OK, just one thing.....WHAT THE HELL?

So, I hope these thoughts are coming out in some form of semblance because I am very tired, and have no idea what I'm talking about. I guess that's a warning if you want to keep reading. I have two papers due this week, so I may jump by the end of the week. I think I may have started one, I'll have to check into that. The Golden Girls always make me feel better, and they are right now. I really can't help myself, I just friggin love this show!!!!!! Even Andy was standing in the bedroom doorway (after saying he was going to bed because they weren't funny), and giggled for about 10 minutes before I busted him watching. Too funny. Wow, I feel like I am just typing and I don't even know what I was talking about the sentence before. No really, I don't. I am that tired, and really need to go to bed, but my mind won't shut up so now you have to hear all about it. Maybe it will help me sleep if it all comes out.

I wish I could find a magic lantern, similar to Aladdin's, so I could solve a few problems around here, and I don't just mean in my house. I mean I would use at least one of the wishes to help the world as a whole. Shouldn't that count for something? A lucky stroke maybe?

So McElwain family challenge's been a while. Andy is down 17lbs, looking good Baby! Roxy (the dog) was down 3lbs, but she was desperate last week, and got into the trash one too many times, and gained a half a pound. I weigh out in the morning, so I can update that then. It will give me a reason to post, well maybe, if it's good news, LOL. I don't know how though, unless Red Bull really has made me a speed freak and the running around like a chicken with it's head cut off is working (why do we say that? It doesn't paint a very pretty picture...). We shall see I suppose.

Okey dokey, well I'm off to watch G.G. and laugh some more calories off. I have been quite negative lately, so I will end on a positive note because I need to get back into that, and learn how to relax.....

"Stress is nothing more than a socially acceptable form of mental illness." ~Richard Carlson
Quote from

Is that true?

I warn you, I was too tired to re-read this, so I have no idea what it says. I will bless you with a spell check as not to annoy the people like me who those sort of things annoy. Peace.

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