Monday, June 30, 2008

Here We Are

OK - the party is over and now its back to the everyday stuff. Whats everyday stuff anyway? I'm having a hard time concentrating on the insignificant details of life right now. I wrote a couple days ago and told of a friend who is having a hell of a bad month. Unfortunately, her husband passed away Saturday afternoon. I can't even begin to describe, explain, or understand the unraveling since his fateful Thursday night. It is right out of a Lifetime movie and just incomprehensible to believe that it wasn't written by a Hollywood writer. Tomorrow is the wake and the funeral is on Friday. I, of course, will be attending and I don't know what help I will be, but I hope my presence can at least make a small difference.

I give her any strength I have. Anything I have, really. She will soon welcome a new life into this world that is sure to be beautiful and life altering. This baby will save her. This baby has purpose and will pull her through those moments that she feels she can't go another minute. The support that is pouring in for her is both touching and incredible.

She is am amazing woman and is sure to pull through even stronger. She will raise wonderful children and live a long happy life. Her friends and family will stand by her and catch her when she falls or reach out with a tender hand. Bumps are a part of life, but no one deserves a sink hole in the middle. It is always said that everything happens for a reason and as hard as that pill is to swallow, what other solace is there?

I can't possibly imagine what she feels. All I can do is reflect on my own life and open my eyes to the everyday pieces that we all take for granted. I think part of watching a situation like this should be a wake up call for anyone the story touches. Watching as your husband/wife walks through the back door and giving you a hello kiss or having their strong arms wrapped around you so you can feel the warm and sincerity of the squeeze. Think of life without those moments. I'm sure that she would give her heart, soul, and life to have just one more. When a father/mother is playing with his/her kids and your in the other room. They are starting to get a little louder than usually allowed, but the noise is laughter. Belly laughing from deep in their hearts. Do you still want to ask them to be quiet?

Life is a vulnerable, delicate, and priceless feature to this universe and far too many times we pass by the true meaning of life and miss the moments that matter most. I'll end here with a quote....

You can shed tears that he is gone, or you can smile because he has lived.You can close your eyes and pray that he'll come back,or you can open your eyes and see all he's left.Your heart can be empty because you can't see him,or you can be full of the love you shared.You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday, or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.You can remember him only that he is gone,or you can cherish his memory and let it live on. You can cry and close your mind, be empty and turn your back.Or you can do what he'd want:smile, open your eyes, love and go on."

David Harkins quotes


One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching.

Quotes from:

Sunday, June 29, 2008

A Special Thanks

To Sara Brown! I hadn't seen her in years, but am SO happy we had the chance to catch up. She designed some Beautiful arrangements and was kind enough to bring them along to our little party. The flowers were amazing! So give her a call or check out her website to see what she can design for your occassion!

Our First Purple Treez Party

Thank you so much to all who attended!! We had a ton of fun and we felt it a great success. We had raffles and laughing. All in all......a perfect thanks again for all your support!!!!

Friday, June 27, 2008

The Unimaginable

Everyone knows early morning calls never bring good news. Today I heard the voice of a dear friend, simply heartbroken. Her husband of 9 months, father of her 4 year old son, and her due in mere weeks new baby. He suffered a heart attack last night and severe brain damage was caused. I am keeping my fingers crossed tonight that by some miracle of all miracles when they take the tubes out tomorrow he will take deep breaths and be ok. My heart breaks for her. Helpless really, there just simply isn't' anything anyone can do to fix it. Nothing seems right about this. It's a time for joy and new life and happy beginnings. No one should have to cross those feelings with pain, sorrow, or despair. There are no words you can say or pills you can swallow to take it all away for her. So we just cried. She cried, I cried, we sat on the phone and just cried. She hasn't left my mind once today and I hope with all I have that he has one Angel left that is owed a favor........

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Evening Round-Up

Ok - so I'm back for a recap. I don't even know what happened to today. So I finished by blurb this morning and then I set off to tackle the girls' room. Let me just tell you my girls' room is litterally the same size as my Aunt's walk in closet. There isn't even a closet. The biggest feat in the room is get the furniture to all fit without blocking something else. So after moving Haley's gigantic wardrobe to 3 dofferent places and moving the beds another 3 I finally rested on the right spot for it all. kids are spoiled and have a tv/dvd and a cavle box in their room. I had decided what a wonderful idea it would be to put the tv on top of the wardrobe. So then there i stand with the tv above my head and my arms ready to collapse wondering why I ever thought this was a good idea. Alas my head and the tv are still in tact and it got to where it's intended place was and whats better is I actually managed to get the cable and tv and everythign hooked back up without my husband's help!! This is a big step for me in the land of figuring things out without throwing them.

This house re-vamp was harder than I thought. Everythign I sit down (which hasn't been very often) I think that I have really made a dent. Then I think of all the things I still have left to do and my heart starts to beat just a little faster and I get a stomache ache. Much like what I am doing to myself right now. I sleep so sound, but when I wake up i just feel like a am on overdrive constantly looking for the next. How the hell did I ever work????? Or better yet, no wonder my house was always a disaster. Now I just don't feel as guilty about it as I did then. LOL.

In between all this I got to separate 2 sisters who are just in love with each other one minute, sitting together, Haley having patience of an Angel and Ashley being so interested in whatever her big sister is sharing with shrill bitter shreaks and the big one gives the little one a shove and the little one comes back with the biggest plastic toy in her range and just starts swinging!!! I stand in my bedroom doorway watching the whole thing. Part of me wants to laugh because they are just so silly and I know in five minutes they will be back to hugging each other to death and part of me just wants not to hear the sound of 2 girls trying to express their discontent by how high they can get their squeals.

Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy. It's headed to 11:30pm and I should be ready to wind down, or better said I should be asleep, but I am raring to go and can't do anything because everyone else, icluding the dogs is sleeping.......nighty night...I hope!!!!

Remember Me?

Ha Ha....ok, I am going to try something new. Writing first thing in the morning. Before I get all caught up in my day and trying to fight the clock. A lot has gone on since the last time that I wrote. I am officially an at home Mom these days. Planning our first Purple Treez event for this Saturday...Please come! Bring a friend! So my house has been ripped apart since last week and I think I am finally making head way. You know, you would think I lived in a big house. Oh no, my tiny 2 bedroom (and I mean these bedrooms are TINY), living room, front sun area thing - lol, and a bathroom. How hard can it be? Well let's see, on any given day I can pick up a room entirely and within one hour of my children entering the area it looks exactly and sometimes worse than the hour before...ahhhhh. I digress....its slowly being put back in order, the only thing is I still need to do the outside!!!!! That and my dogs need a good shaving - I don't think people want my stinky dogs all over them....I need stuff for the turtle tank, and to redo the whole back yard. I have 3 days......oh lord oh lord.....Not for nothing, but I have to go!!!!!!!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Busy Beeeeeeeeeee

As you can see below I have been a busy girl. Unfortunately, I still can't seem to get it all done? All the time in the world and still not enough to get it all done. I can't say i haven't gotten anything accomplished though. I have my trusty "To Do" list and I am chipping away at it in a tinely fashion so

Gearing up for first Purple Treez Tea Party...looks to be tons of fun. An afternoon of ladies and games, raffles, and goody bags!! It's june 28th @ 2pm. If you would like me to honor us and attend, email me or comment with your email address and I will send an invite your way!!!

As always.... - As soon as I wrap this up I will be posting some of the knew stuff!

Summer looks to be tons of fun. New adventures.....nothing but the best......

Tons of New Stuff!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Fave Pic....

Here's to you Amanda!!! Always good for a laugh...and a friend......Luv ya!!!


A big kiss and hug for all these girls and our couple guys :-).....You will truly be missed.........

So long ago...

It's been too long since I have written. So little time, but so much has changed. I am officially an at-home-mommy for the Summer. Brownies in the oven for Haley's Kindergarten performance tomorrow morning. I have all day and everyday to get things done, yet I still can't seem to find the time to do it all. The To Do list seems to be getting longer and the days seem to be getting shorter. I have miraculously held up a very brutal workout routine, which so far I have kept to. That and I just finished eating

I have also made a ton new necklaces so please take a peak, . Some are on there and some aren't. If you want to see more just ask and i will email them away to you. I'm having trouble wanting to let some of them go!!!

Hopefully once Haley gets out fo school i can build a more regular schedule...maybe. I also joined the lake today and I am super excited!! So thats where I am. In a time that everyone else usually freaks out....I find myself busy from early morning till late at night realizing why my house was a disaster all the time - lol. to me in a couple weeks and i might want to pull my hair out, but for now.......pheeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwww and good all a better tomorrow!!!!

Monday, June 2, 2008

A Couple Quotes

If you've been reading along, you know I have many changes headed my way. I know this is all for the best, but the fear of the unknown is always there. Knowing that you are a smart and capable individual can only take you so far. So I have that knowledge down, but then still not knowing where I am going to land. At this stage of the game it could be just about anywhere - lol. I like to be busy and that I will be, but will I be able to make it all postive and in the end come up with results that are just spectacular to say the least. Is Faith enough? Faith in what? I have Faith in myself, but as I said, that only takes you so far. I have faith that my life has a purpose and that good things will happen to me if I am a good person. I try to be a good person everyday and I hope I am succeeding. Then there are all the stories of wonderful people that have horrible things happen to them. Do they allow them to happen or do they just present themselves? Why do so many people have horrific things happen to them? How do they get up and keep going the next morning? I give credit to those who wake up that next day and go on as they should and seem to make it. I know some people allow bad things to overcome there lives and I never want to choose that path. Nothing THAT bad has ever happened to me...knock on wood, and the changes to come don't fall into the "bad" category either. They are just different then it has been for the last 3 1/2 years. I will wake up the day after and I will go on to the new.....but where will it all lead is still the question...and something tells me I just won't know until it's done. So here's for hoping and wishing.......

Accepting Change
"The first step toward change is acceptance. Once you accept yourself, you open the door to change. That is all you have to do. Change is not something you do, it is something you allow."
~Will Garc

Good ole wisdom from

And also from my favorite positive guy!!!

"Your enthusiasm will be infectious, stimulating and attractive to others. They will love you for it. They will go for you and with you."
Norman Vincent Peale

sent to me by

So to combine these 2 "teaching" I guess we settle on, allow the change and be enthusiastic for the future and then everyone around me will feel it and see it and join in to make amazing things happen....right?