Thursday, June 12, 2008

So long ago...

It's been too long since I have written. So little time, but so much has changed. I am officially an at-home-mommy for the Summer. Brownies in the oven for Haley's Kindergarten performance tomorrow morning. I have all day and everyday to get things done, yet I still can't seem to find the time to do it all. The To Do list seems to be getting longer and the days seem to be getting shorter. I have miraculously held up a very brutal workout routine, which so far I have kept to. That and I just finished eating

I have also made a ton new necklaces so please take a peak, . Some are on there and some aren't. If you want to see more just ask and i will email them away to you. I'm having trouble wanting to let some of them go!!!

Hopefully once Haley gets out fo school i can build a more regular schedule...maybe. I also joined the lake today and I am super excited!! So thats where I am. In a time that everyone else usually freaks out....I find myself busy from early morning till late at night realizing why my house was a disaster all the time - lol. to me in a couple weeks and i might want to pull my hair out, but for now.......pheeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwww and good all a better tomorrow!!!!

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