Friday, June 27, 2008

The Unimaginable

Everyone knows early morning calls never bring good news. Today I heard the voice of a dear friend, simply heartbroken. Her husband of 9 months, father of her 4 year old son, and her due in mere weeks new baby. He suffered a heart attack last night and severe brain damage was caused. I am keeping my fingers crossed tonight that by some miracle of all miracles when they take the tubes out tomorrow he will take deep breaths and be ok. My heart breaks for her. Helpless really, there just simply isn't' anything anyone can do to fix it. Nothing seems right about this. It's a time for joy and new life and happy beginnings. No one should have to cross those feelings with pain, sorrow, or despair. There are no words you can say or pills you can swallow to take it all away for her. So we just cried. She cried, I cried, we sat on the phone and just cried. She hasn't left my mind once today and I hope with all I have that he has one Angel left that is owed a favor........

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