Saturday, August 30, 2008

26 + 1

My little Haley and my Mom, "Gigi", make me some cupcakes. They came out soooooo good. So cute. They were delicious too!

I'm officially 27. Good news is I don't feel any older...ha ha ha. Great stuff this weekend. My hubby is taking me accessory shopping against his better judgement, but that's what you get when you can't figure out what to get me. I mean really, it's not that hard. LOL. Oh well, a nice afternoon of shopping never made me unhappy. Then off to the Redneck Party at Lisa & Helder's house. That always produces great photos! Have a happy, fun, and very safe long holiday weekend everyone!!!!!!!!!

And Thank you to everyone for my Birthday wishes!!!!! I appreciate it more than you could know.........

"Wisdom doesn't necessarily come with age.Sometimes age just shows up all by itself."
Tom Wilson

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Fly by Night

Picture backyard this afternoon. Me, Andrew, and Ashley out in the backyard. Here comes Santana (a kitty that lives in our basement...explain later) with a bird in his mouth. So there goes Andy chasing Santana in to the back yard....he comes in...I go chasing...the dogs go chasing....Santana stops and huddles over his little prize. I get just close enough and off he goes over the fence....with the bird. So Andy sneaks up and catches him off guard by throwing a rock....he runs to the bird (I run into the house to get gloves!!). The bird flies up into the at last.

Nope, the dumb ass flew back down to the ground and got snatched back up about 20 seconds later by quite the little hunter kitty (Santana) and then off to the other side of the street he went. About 20 minutes later back he comes bird still in mouth minus a few feathers. Andrew corners him and he drops the poor lil thing. Santana takes off. We finally have the bird....but where did he go?

We found the hiding space a few minutes later and the little birdie is taking refuge in the shed. That was our excitement from the night and it had a happy ending.....

One Full Plate

That is what I have ahead of me. Four courses filled with reading and writing and a little more writing. I may be headed to the nearest bridge before we know it, but at least I will be more educated when I get there....ha ha ha. Wow, how long things seem when you look at them from the beginning. You know that road trip that you thought was going to be so great, but then half way to your destination you wish you were high in the sky eating mega salty peanuts and freezing from your neighbors AC vent. Well here starts my cross country road trip and my plane left 9 years ago. I'm excited though. For the first time I actually want to learn. Now there is a concept. Wanting to learn. I wish there was a way to explain to kids how much easier it would be to do the right thing the first time around. Unfortunately, they don't get it (some do and those people are already making the big bucks), but I suppose it's more valuable as a hard lesson and maybe my girls will watch how hard it is and do it right the first time. Here's hoping, but come next Wednesday I think my only hope will be making it through first semester and what my grades look like......

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

No Calculator for Me

Just a piece of paper and a pencil that was half sharp. The instructor was nice enough to be a half hour late, but I did manage to get somewhat through and certainly landed in a place I can handle. Glad to know I haven't lost brain function. Then the Financial Aid people were pleasant and just looked at me with blank stares through all of my questions. Still much paperwork and figuring out to do, but I think tomorrow a few things will come together. Registration, insurance, my head...maybe....etc. I am crossing tons of things off my infamous To Do list, but then I add like 50 more. So goes life and staying with Buddha..."Such is the way things are." And such is the way I have made them for myself.

So how's that go...."Today is the first day of the rest of your life." Well here goes.......

Today's Life Lesson.....

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it."

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Could there possibly be any more paperwork?

And could I have possibly waited till any later to upheave the whole thing and start over? Oh my. So I have to take a Math test in the morning. I could kick myself square in the ass for at least not having completed Freshman Math. So I deserve this. I thought maybe all those times we thought teachers were lying to us telling us that we really will use this stuff in real life, that maybe it was possible we were all wrong and it would have come in handy in some random way. I will say that working in sales and many hours shopping help with the decimal point and percentage stuff. I am pretty capable of handling the adding and subtracting portion too, however, then there came the fractions. What the hell are they? I will tell you. They were put in this world just to confuse me. I mean really, I like to think that I am a halfway intelligent person. I just don't get it. Then again, I don't understand any of the Matrix movies either, so maybe we shouldn't go on my assumptions. I have officially stuffed my brain with as much info as possible the night before the test. I haven't worked out in a couple days and I think I may need to have a good one before heading off tomorrow. I think I am just so afraid they are going to retract it all and send me down the chute and back to 3rd grade. Please say I can use my calculator!!!!!!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Fave Pic Time

I wonder how many times before I finish (a loooong time from now) I will want to quit...ha ha ha

"You already possess everything necessary to become great."
Crow Proverb

And I think with my head spinning that this quote is sticky note worthy somewhere front and center for me to see. Maybe a few sticky notes. I am out of control. I always do this. Wait till the last minute and then go "crap" and run around like a chicken with my head cut off. This situation is no different. Nothing can be easy, not if I have anything to do with it anyway. You have this but not that. Come all the way down here so you can sign a form for all these changes, all to have the wonderful woman that helped me click right into her little computer and change it lickity split. While your hear you thought you could drop off financial aid papers to make life easier. No, you'll need to fill that out online, but then after that (and only after that) fill these papers out and bring them back. There has to be an easier system? Oh well, I have done as much as I can for today and tomorrow I will have 5 new battles, but one by one I am getting there...I think. Just pray for me that there isn't some brick wall waiting for my face somewhere in this maze. Ugh, the desk that I just unburied is now buried again...ho hum.......

"I don't want to get to the end of my life and find that I have just lived the length of it. I want to have lived the width of it as well. "
Diane Ackerman

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Oh My Anniversary

Was lovely! We went to Salem, Ma and then went to Gloucester and walked around a bit in the cute little stores. Then we went to dinner at a beautiful restaurant in Groton and even sat on the same side of the booth, ooh la la...ha ha ha. I meant to think, we were borderline No joking, it really was the best we've had yet!! I could have a million more days like that......

Hurry up, then wait, then change your mind completely

And so I have. Completely changed my mind about what kind of school and what program; changed my mind about everything. What school, what type of degree, and oh boy. I think my head might be spinning just a little. Actually I know it is considering I have had at least 6, count them six, wanna put my head in an oven, six panic attacks today. I thought it was all over the Math test I have to take at 9am tomorrow morning (that's right Math, tomorrow is when we find out if your teachers lied to you all those years and told you that you would need these things in real life), but it turns out not so much, more like I was making the wrong decision about the path of it. I need to meditate or something. Even better, I think a full body massage will do, but not one of those husband ones they just do because they feel bad for you and so they give in, I mean the fuzzy robe, scented oil, in seclusion for a whole hour one. That's just what I need. It will all come together right after my shoulders loosen up. So there you have it, I turned it all upside down and now all I want is a rub down......

Aldous Huxley: "There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self."

Friday, August 22, 2008

Tomorrow is special....

Tomorrow is my Husband and I's 5 year wedding anniversary. Woo hoo. We are shipping the kids off to my Mom's for the day and night and heading up to Salem. Is it possible that he has lives in Massachusetts for 27 years and has never been to the Salem Witch Museum. Well, that ends tomorrow...I have only one wish....togetherness and romance.........

"Love means to commit oneself without guarantee, to give oneself completely in the hope that our love will produce love in the loved person. Love is an act of faith, and whoever is of little faith is also of little love."
-- Erich Fromm

Fave Pic!

Remember little Princess Chloe...well here she is a little more than a month old. Just precious. With her Mommy, who is lookin fabulous!!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A Good Story about a Good Girl

I go to Walmart at least twice a month. I wish I didn't have to, but I just can't beat the prices. Anyway, I went with my Mom and we had a grill and a sewing machine and 2 huge cart fulls between us. She went to the Dunkin Donuts and me being the type who can't just stand there and wait decided to take the 2 carts out myself. Now I am passing guy after guy after guy.....a lady here, employees everywhere, and there and they all just watched me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw an employee in the bathroom about to clean........she couldn't have seen me for more than a second and she came running out of the bathroom and asked if I needed help. She was probably about 18-20 and I think she may have been special needs, but obviously has triumphed. She just had the brightest and most sincere smile and that's all she did, smile, you just can't help but smile back. I must have thanked her a million times. I would love to meet her parents. They really should know that they have raised such a warm hearted and considerate young woman. And she should know that I will remember her face and her smile and be grateful she showed me there is still consideration for others in this self indulgent world.

"Treat people as if they are what they ought to be, and you can help them become what they are capable of becoming."
~Johann von Goethe

Haven't had a favorite pic in a while......

Oh she is just so mad...ha ha ha. That little face just makes me melt....and pathetic...

Monday, August 18, 2008

Regina Russells Tea Room Quincy, MA

So my Mother-in-Law in I have this place we have been going to for psychic readings for oh, about 7 years now. We hadn't been in soooooo long, so I treated the other night and we went. It was amazing. It was just like having a conversation with someone I had known for years. She was about 90% accurate with what and who was already going for the future. I will update as we go and let you as they come true. I have it all taped and she said I can beat the crap out of her if my wish doesn't come true because I got all the lucky cards!!!!!! She also told me of something that I never would think I will do, but we shall see....but check them out, I have seriously never had a bad reading at this place. (I have had a gypsy like reading or two so I am well aware of people who have no clue) I'll let you know........

Check them out: ask for Joyce!!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

No animals were harmed in the taking fo this picture....

This was seriously the shape of the chicken finger I got from a local Chinese food restaurant. I won't give there name because we eat there all the time and they do have very good food. Keeping that in mind I still could not bring myself to eat it, I did open it up and it was indeed chicken......ha ha ha. But seriously? Could you have eaten it? Please answer me so I know I am not crazy........

"Edible, adj.: Good to eat, and wholesome to digest, as a worm to a toad, a toad to a snake, a snake to a pig, a pig to a man, and a man to a worm. "

~Ambrose Bierce

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Very Quickly Touching Base on a "Naughty" Topic


I will not pretend to know much. I can only be a normal person with a normal opinion. I think anyway, but what's normal? OK. Here's my opinion.....

....Everyone is too busy being a Democratic OR a Republic. They are too focused on arguing with each other BECAUSE they are one or the other rather than finding the best solutions for this country. We are in trouble no matter who's foggy glasses you look at it through. So rather than thinking of what will make you look best as a Rep. or a Dem., let's focus on what will make you the best AMERICAN choice. Bring on the debates. the plans, or at least the slightest idea as to your immediate plans as our president?

...One other thing. I LOVE Hollywood probably more than you can imagine, but please leave them out of the election. It will not help.

That's it for now I guess. Not much to talk about with both doing nothing but smiling for the camera and trying to look better than the other. Ahhhh...another episode of "The Old and the Arrogant." Can we have a new surprise candidate? I wish I wasn't a grown up right now so I didn't actually care about this. But alas I do.....and we shall see.....

"In times of change, learners inherit the Earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists."
~Ernest Becker

I Will

I will….

…. express myself without fear of opposition.
….always speak up for whom or what I believe in.
….shed tears when I see someone in pain and when I see pure joy in another.
….forgive myself for my imperfections.
….respect those who oppose me for believing in their convictions.
….learn to believe in my mind, body, and soul without reservation.
….hold the highest respect for those who devote their lives to the good of others.
….make the effort to live everyday with a positive attitude and share it with anyone.

I will teach my daughters….

….to respect life and all things in it.
….to cherish love, but never let it change them.
….to be all they can be (without the help of the army).
….to carry a humble confidence in themselves.
….to embrace sisterhood (laughing, the crying, and the “borrowing” each others stuff)

….to use manners and tact no matter the situation.

I will show my husband….

…. I love him, even when I am in a bad mood…or just mad at him.
….Faith, Love, and Honesty in our life together.
….shopping can be fun.
….the accomplishment of being a good Father is proof of his amazing self.
….I believe in his talent and heart to no end.
….I cherish the all too few moments we do get to purely spend together.

I will always be thankful for….

….being blessed enough to open my eyes each morning and see the beauty around me
….good health for myself, my daughters, my husband, and all who are dear to me.
….my childhood that lead me to today.
….my mistakes from which I have learned irreplaceable lessons.
….the challenges I have and will face that only give me deeper strength.
….my dearest family and friends that would give me what I would give them. Anything.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Extension to the Family Fitness Challenge - Doggy Style

We can all congratulate Roxy for making it through her first week of serious dieting. She ate the food even though every time I put it in front of she looked at me hoping it was a cruel joke. She has lost 1.4lbs and a 1/2" around 3 separate places! She's on her way too, but somehow I don't think she is dedicated enough not to break into the trash or food cabinet when no one is looking.....

Today was Not. My. Day.

Just couldn't seem to get it together. Made the calls I was suppose to make. No one answered. Left messages. No one called back. I made it to my morning appointment. Waste of time. Didn't have all the proper paperwork. Take a 2 1/2 hour round trip with 2 kids while trying to find them food and then feed it to them while driving and trying to remember streets from nearly 10 years ago. To finally arrive at the location of the proper paperwork, the only key I need to make the next step, but without am 3 steps back. Doors locked. Yeah. All in all, I tried, but failed today. Did not manage to get one thing done. Oh boy.

"Such is the way things are." That's what Buddha says to say when things happen and there isn't anything you can do to change it. Such is the way things are. Do you know how many times that either ran through my head or lips depending on the level of steam coming out my ears at the time. Such is the way things are....and breath. Tomorrow will be a better day and it will all fall together....Such is the way things are....mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Monday, August 11, 2008

McElwain Family Fitness Challenge Update

Haven't said anything in a while. I am happy to say that the scale has finally started moving again for me. THANK GOD! I think I would have gone off he deep end. SO I have 14.4lbs to go! That bring total weight loss for me to date. Feb. 2007 - today = 79.6lbs!! Woo hoo. Andrew is down 14lbs as well! So I suppose we are well on our way!
"The race is not always to the swift, but to those who keep on running." ~Author unknown, in reference to Ecclesiastes 9:11, "I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all."

Friday, August 8, 2008

And I thought the Kickboxing was rough.....

I have been doing the Kickboxing (with Sharon Mann both I and II) for a while now and it got a bit easier. I can now do the whole routine without looking at the TV and I don't feel like I am going to die. So I decided I needed to step it up a notch ....along came Boot Camp with Cathe Friedrich. You know, I have been working out for a while now and really thought that I was in pretty good shape. Oh so wrong was I!!!!!!! She nearly killed me! It was good though. Definetely a goal to move towards. I will be shouting from the roof tops if I can complete the ENTIRE show from beginning to end without wanting to puke or drop to the floor. I kid you not, my mother-in-law called me about a half hour after I finished. First thing she said, "What's the matter?" Then I explained that I was laying on the living room floor; a. trying not to puke and b. because my body just wouldn't get up. Although, an hour and a shower later I felt great! The new plan is to Boot Camp it 3X a week and see if I can't kick my own ass into actual shape. Talk to me at the end of next week though and see if moving is an

Check it out on
"Boot Camp; Renowned fitness expert Cathe Friedrich leads eight fitness cycles
involving cardio activity, upper and lower strength work, and core conditioning.
You'll be jumping, pumping, pushing and crunching to a fitter you. "

I'm warning you, this chick means business....and when she tells you to just "sip" the water...please listen!!! Ha ha ha.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

What was I supposed to say?

What could a better response have been when caught off guard?
What I was asked.......

"What is intercourse?"


"Oh...ummmm....It's a town in Pennsylvania!!"

Again...what was I supposed to say??? She's only 6 1/2!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

My decisions made. Waiting for 80 others peoples now.

OK. I did it. I applied to a certificate program for the Fall. Now all I have to do is be accepted, get financial aid, and then get unemployment to see how this certificate will benefit me. Easy.....right? All the paperwork is filled out. All to be distributed as decisions come back. Hurry up and wait. Hurry up and wait. Hey, at least this time I didn't look into these things 2 days too late. Ha ha ha. That's usually me, too little too late. But not today! I am finally ahead of the game. I also finally made the decision. That was half the battle. However, I don't think with this I can really go wrong. So I hurried we will just wait and see....

"The sure conviction that we could if we wanted to is the reason so many good minds are idle."
G.C. Lichtenberg

Quote from

No more idly standing by......

Monday, August 4, 2008

My Pledge for this Week......

OK. This is probably silly, but I like to start every Monday off with a weekly goal. It gives me something to shoot for this week and then hopefully carries out further than that. Last week I suppose my workouts were my goal. I needed more intense harder routines and I think I sufficiently found some of those; yes they carried over until this week thankfully and thank All Star Workout!

On the this week's goal. I pledge to reach out to people and just do nice things for people I love. I start today. I am heading over to my Mum-in-Law's to help her get her new place in shape. I have the kiddo's so I won't be long, but as soon as the hubby gets home from work I'll be right back to finish up the job. So that's my Monday..........maybe someone else can join me? In the world we live in today let's try to put some smiles back on people's faces!!! Who knows, if everyone who reads this reaches out to 3 people and those 3 people reach out to see where I am going with this. I know this is an old train idea, but I think it would work. Not enough people smile as they walk by a stranger anymore.......

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Purple Treez Hard at Work

Lisa and I have been at it all day long!! We still have much to do, but the best news of all is we are now hooked up through Paypal so you can buy right through the site! Woo hoo!!! We seem to be getting a hang of the pictures too. Much clearer, we think anyway :-). Keep in mind it's all still a work in progress, but here we are so far....

And a quote.....

"I don't like work... but I like what is in work -- the chance to find yourself. Your own reality -- for yourself, not for others -- which no other man can ever know."
Joseph Conrad

Quote from

Friday, August 1, 2008

Fun Snack Idea...and Healthy Too...Kid Approved!!!

Now I am sure this is not a novel idea and a million people probably thought it up before, but I just got that bright bulb today!!! I have noticed in magazines ideas to get kids to eat healthier. Make it fun looking. My children are awful eaters! Picky picky picky. Picky about it's color, shape, size, smell, you name it. Being that I need to go grocery shopping and having basically empty cabinets....this is what I did....

Thomas's 100 Calorie Mini Bagels (I don't NOT count my kids calories, just an FYI to calorie conscious adults)
Peanut Butter (Creamy, but I suppose Chunky would work to if your into that kinda thing)
Sliced Banana (design according to your imagination...or the size of the bagel :-)

They loved it!!! Ate every last little bit. That never happens.....score one for Mom's side! (That never happens

We also have a new addition to the McElwain Family Challenge. Our big fat Beagle Roxy. She weighed in at 42.6lbs last night (don't ask the process to get the weight). She is supposed to weigh 25lbs. Yikes! (Not for nothing though, she was over 49lbs at one point so we must be doing something right) Well, she is now on a no carb diet. Apparently Beagles have a hard time digesting carbs...hence her massive girth. Nice of someone to tell us that now. We have only had the dog on diet food for 3 years and couldn't figure out why she wasn't she started that on Wednesday and we'll see how she goes......

I have some other artworks coming. I have like 50 projects going at once today. It was great! The best part is I finished them all! Then I have a whole new list for tomorrow...keep on keeping on.....