Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Could there possibly be any more paperwork?

And could I have possibly waited till any later to upheave the whole thing and start over? Oh my. So I have to take a Math test in the morning. I could kick myself square in the ass for at least not having completed Freshman Math. So I deserve this. I thought maybe all those times we thought teachers were lying to us telling us that we really will use this stuff in real life, that maybe it was possible we were all wrong and it would have come in handy in some random way. I will say that working in sales and many hours shopping help with the decimal point and percentage stuff. I am pretty capable of handling the adding and subtracting portion too, however, then there came the fractions. What the hell are they? I will tell you. They were put in this world just to confuse me. I mean really, I like to think that I am a halfway intelligent person. I just don't get it. Then again, I don't understand any of the Matrix movies either, so maybe we shouldn't go on my assumptions. I have officially stuffed my brain with as much info as possible the night before the test. I haven't worked out in a couple days and I think I may need to have a good one before heading off tomorrow. I think I am just so afraid they are going to retract it all and send me down the chute and back to 3rd grade. Please say I can use my calculator!!!!!!!

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