Thursday, August 14, 2008

I Will

I will….

…. express myself without fear of opposition.
….always speak up for whom or what I believe in.
….shed tears when I see someone in pain and when I see pure joy in another.
….forgive myself for my imperfections.
….respect those who oppose me for believing in their convictions.
….learn to believe in my mind, body, and soul without reservation.
….hold the highest respect for those who devote their lives to the good of others.
….make the effort to live everyday with a positive attitude and share it with anyone.

I will teach my daughters….

….to respect life and all things in it.
….to cherish love, but never let it change them.
….to be all they can be (without the help of the army).
….to carry a humble confidence in themselves.
….to embrace sisterhood (laughing, the crying, and the “borrowing” each others stuff)

….to use manners and tact no matter the situation.

I will show my husband….

…. I love him, even when I am in a bad mood…or just mad at him.
….Faith, Love, and Honesty in our life together.
….shopping can be fun.
….the accomplishment of being a good Father is proof of his amazing self.
….I believe in his talent and heart to no end.
….I cherish the all too few moments we do get to purely spend together.

I will always be thankful for….

….being blessed enough to open my eyes each morning and see the beauty around me
….good health for myself, my daughters, my husband, and all who are dear to me.
….my childhood that lead me to today.
….my mistakes from which I have learned irreplaceable lessons.
….the challenges I have and will face that only give me deeper strength.
….my dearest family and friends that would give me what I would give them. Anything.

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