Monday, August 4, 2008

My Pledge for this Week......

OK. This is probably silly, but I like to start every Monday off with a weekly goal. It gives me something to shoot for this week and then hopefully carries out further than that. Last week I suppose my workouts were my goal. I needed more intense harder routines and I think I sufficiently found some of those; yes they carried over until this week thankfully and thank All Star Workout!

On the this week's goal. I pledge to reach out to people and just do nice things for people I love. I start today. I am heading over to my Mum-in-Law's to help her get her new place in shape. I have the kiddo's so I won't be long, but as soon as the hubby gets home from work I'll be right back to finish up the job. So that's my Monday..........maybe someone else can join me? In the world we live in today let's try to put some smiles back on people's faces!!! Who knows, if everyone who reads this reaches out to 3 people and those 3 people reach out to see where I am going with this. I know this is an old train idea, but I think it would work. Not enough people smile as they walk by a stranger anymore.......

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