Tuesday, August 5, 2008

My decisions made. Waiting for 80 others peoples now.

OK. I did it. I applied to a certificate program for the Fall. Now all I have to do is be accepted, get financial aid, and then get unemployment to see how this certificate will benefit me. Easy.....right? All the paperwork is filled out. All to be distributed as decisions come back. Hurry up and wait. Hurry up and wait. Hey, at least this time I didn't look into these things 2 days too late. Ha ha ha. That's usually me, too little too late. But not today! I am finally ahead of the game. I also finally made the decision. That was half the battle. However, I don't think with this I can really go wrong. So I hurried up...now we will just wait and see....

"The sure conviction that we could if we wanted to is the reason so many good minds are idle."
G.C. Lichtenberg

Quote from www.quoteleaf.com

No more idly standing by......

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