Thursday, August 14, 2008

Very Quickly Touching Base on a "Naughty" Topic


I will not pretend to know much. I can only be a normal person with a normal opinion. I think anyway, but what's normal? OK. Here's my opinion.....

....Everyone is too busy being a Democratic OR a Republic. They are too focused on arguing with each other BECAUSE they are one or the other rather than finding the best solutions for this country. We are in trouble no matter who's foggy glasses you look at it through. So rather than thinking of what will make you look best as a Rep. or a Dem., let's focus on what will make you the best AMERICAN choice. Bring on the debates. the plans, or at least the slightest idea as to your immediate plans as our president?

...One other thing. I LOVE Hollywood probably more than you can imagine, but please leave them out of the election. It will not help.

That's it for now I guess. Not much to talk about with both doing nothing but smiling for the camera and trying to look better than the other. Ahhhh...another episode of "The Old and the Arrogant." Can we have a new surprise candidate? I wish I wasn't a grown up right now so I didn't actually care about this. But alas I do.....and we shall see.....

"In times of change, learners inherit the Earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists."
~Ernest Becker

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