Friday, August 8, 2008

And I thought the Kickboxing was rough.....

I have been doing the Kickboxing (with Sharon Mann both I and II) for a while now and it got a bit easier. I can now do the whole routine without looking at the TV and I don't feel like I am going to die. So I decided I needed to step it up a notch ....along came Boot Camp with Cathe Friedrich. You know, I have been working out for a while now and really thought that I was in pretty good shape. Oh so wrong was I!!!!!!! She nearly killed me! It was good though. Definetely a goal to move towards. I will be shouting from the roof tops if I can complete the ENTIRE show from beginning to end without wanting to puke or drop to the floor. I kid you not, my mother-in-law called me about a half hour after I finished. First thing she said, "What's the matter?" Then I explained that I was laying on the living room floor; a. trying not to puke and b. because my body just wouldn't get up. Although, an hour and a shower later I felt great! The new plan is to Boot Camp it 3X a week and see if I can't kick my own ass into actual shape. Talk to me at the end of next week though and see if moving is an

Check it out on
"Boot Camp; Renowned fitness expert Cathe Friedrich leads eight fitness cycles
involving cardio activity, upper and lower strength work, and core conditioning.
You'll be jumping, pumping, pushing and crunching to a fitter you. "

I'm warning you, this chick means business....and when she tells you to just "sip" the water...please listen!!! Ha ha ha.

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