Sunday, August 24, 2008

Hurry up, then wait, then change your mind completely

And so I have. Completely changed my mind about what kind of school and what program; changed my mind about everything. What school, what type of degree, and oh boy. I think my head might be spinning just a little. Actually I know it is considering I have had at least 6, count them six, wanna put my head in an oven, six panic attacks today. I thought it was all over the Math test I have to take at 9am tomorrow morning (that's right Math, tomorrow is when we find out if your teachers lied to you all those years and told you that you would need these things in real life), but it turns out not so much, more like I was making the wrong decision about the path of it. I need to meditate or something. Even better, I think a full body massage will do, but not one of those husband ones they just do because they feel bad for you and so they give in, I mean the fuzzy robe, scented oil, in seclusion for a whole hour one. That's just what I need. It will all come together right after my shoulders loosen up. So there you have it, I turned it all upside down and now all I want is a rub down......

Aldous Huxley: "There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self."

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