Monday, April 28, 2008

Fave pic and time no time....

My Roxy.....My big fat Beagle baby.....

"The person who sends out positive thoughts activates the world around him positively and draws back to himself positive results. "
Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

Sweet and simple tonight folks...way too late....

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Fave pic of the day.....

This is Ashley looking at me through a paper towel roll. She is too much. Still has a sense of humor even while sick :-). At least one of them did!! LOL


"I’ve learned that making a 'living' is not the same thing as making a 'life'." Maya Angelou

New Stuff

This is the works fromt he end of last week till today.......I've been a little slow with the pics, but it's no secret I have no spare time!!!!!!!!

The Ultimate Joys of Parenthood

We all know that when you get woken up at 2am it's never good news. So my Haley (she's 6) comes in at 1:50am exactly. "I'm sick." My response are you going to or did you already....she already did. Did she make it? Nope. Ok so talked myself up all the way to the bathroom. I can do this. Just cover it and pick it about 5 minutes later I wake up my husband who was good enough to get up and clean up. Yuck, I shiver just thinking about it - ewwwwwy. So it was one of those bugs - yack all lucky me got to sleep while my hubby stayed up with her on the couch and took care of his little girl.

The rest of us get up at a normal hour and Ashley seems to be fine. So I have a few errands to run, I decide to take Ashley to get her out of the house and away from the diseased one. I pick up my Mom to join the venture and we get on the highway. I won't describe the sounds we heard next, but Pumkin muffin is not pleasant on it's way back out.

Rushed home - threw her in the shower and now we had 2 down and us still standing. Now we have everyone up and running (well sleeping, but calm and stable). If I am up later this evening, I'm not gonna be a happy camper, so keep your fingers crossed for me and Andy!!! I'm hoping I have sprayed enough Lysol today to kill anything that isn't supposed to be here or on my body......we shall see.....

.....Just one of those days I guess..........

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Another Day...but a productive one!

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooo tired. Pics to come tomorrow - got LOTS done today and more to do tomorrow. Pics coming tomorrow. Too tired. Etsy shop registered just need banner work and listings and we are good to go. Can't leave you without a good daily quote, that would be inconsistent of me.....

"Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so you shall become. Your vision is the promise of what you shall one day be; your ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil."
-James Allen

Night night......sweat dreams!!!!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Today is a day....

"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. "
— Winston Churchill


That was today...not quite failure, but Or maybe it was my patience. Oh well. I know I can't stop saying that I just don't have enough time in the day to do everything I need to do!!!

So, with these quotes, am I starting to sound like a "quote of the day" daily rip the paper off for a new piece of useless information calendar?

So woopidy doo. Today is Friday and tomorrow is Saturday. Exciting things happening tomorrow though so stay tuned!!!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Fave pic of the day....

Photograph by Mary Peacock

This is me circo 2005. i just like it that's all :-). I need to do some new ones.......

Hey People

Touching base for the day as the committed blogger I am. I had an easy day even though I was an ass this morning...oops. Totally didn't mean too. Ok - so the rest went good. I sold 5 pieces today!!!! Woo hoo - renewed confidence - so thank you very much. Got to talk to like all my bestest people today and that is always a good thing!!! All in all today was a productive and pleasant day. Tomorrow is a short day at work so it is already shaping up to be a good one - lol. Gotta bust out the jewelry this weekend!!! Got lots of requests - super excited!!!!!!! So I will just leave you with a quote and a nighty night!!!

"Worry is a futile thing, it's somewhat like a rocking chair, Although it keeps you occupied, it doesn't get you anywhere."Anonymous

Let's go somewhere!!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

So true.

"It goes with your everywhere you go. It is on display at work and at home. People around you are affected by it. It has no shape, color, or size, yet its impact on your life is profound. What is it? Your attitude!" Lucy MacDonald

So true so true. Sometimes the only thing that gets in our way is us. You get yourself in a mind set and your off. Step back a minute, evaluate how YOU are handling it, and then see if it still looks the same.
...Now I sound like that State Trooper commercial on the radio that warns they are out looking for road rage......If you think it's everyone else, maybe you should take a look at yourself...or something along those lines.

You see...there needs to be longer days!!!

So here is my work for today and I think I might just be getting a hang of this photography thing. What do you think?? So tomorrow my whatnots will debut at work, where better to start?? LOL Let's see how everyone likes it!!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Without fail...fave pic of the day...

This is me Mum-in-law and her new stud Lance....Ginger haired beauties don't you think???

Again...obsessed with quotes...

" True friends are those who, when you make a fool of yourself, don't believe that this condition is permanent. "
— Erwin T. Randall

Simple thought.....sent to me by .

I have a many a time made a fool of myself.....and I certainly know from those experiences who my friends are. Can't thank anyone enough for it.....

Lucy MacDonald does it again people!!!

"Every time words are spoken, something is created. Be conscious of what you say and how you say it. Use words that build up, appreciate, encourage and inspire." Lucy MacDonald

I think that we should all take a piece of paper and write something down that you like about yourself. Then a thought is created in your head and you will believe in it. Do that everyday for a month and see if you feel differently. If not, you lose nothing, but gain a sense of self and a reason to keep on believing in you......

My sentiments for today :-)

Happy Earth Day Everyone!!!

Another reason to wear green! Today is Earth day! A day put in place to make us stop and think about the beautiful Earth we have been put on and how much peoples' pollution effects our future and the future of our children. To learn more about what you can do for the Earth, not just today, but everyday from now on to preserve what we have so those after us can see the beauty we do!!!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Fave pic of the day....

Me and my Hubby. My heart goes to him tonight for being my rock. Thanks Tiger!!! :-P. Funny part is I don't even think he reads guess we will find out. We have a great night and of course a better tomorrow!!
By the way - broke yesterday visit records so thanks!!!

Lucy MacDonald is a Psychic!!!

OK - so I am sooooo glad that I subscribed to this lady's site ( and had her send me a positive quote of the day. Although now I might see if she is following me around because it is eerily accurate to my daily "situations." My professional life is thrown about mid air at this point. So with all the decisions before me I've probably complained once or twice...ha ha ha. Or have I? I don't even know, but I do know this sounds like a plan to me....

"Practice the "three complaint rule". When it comes to complaining, you are allowed to complain about something three times. After that either change your attitude, change your behavior, accept the situation or move on (and stop complaining)." Lucy MacDonald

I love quotes as you can probably tell. I love that someone smarter than me summed it all up in just a few words, when it takes the rest of us long stories to random people for opinions and long nights of analyzing the days events while trying to fall asleep. Then here is this genius that can solve all problems in 1-2 sentences. So there ya have it and here we go to start all over again tomorrow....

One more for good measure...

Thats it for me tonight on the jewelry....busy busy busy....back to work tomorrow though. That she be fun filled....or not.

OK - Repost of Pics...Better Right??

Artist: Lisa
Artist: Lisa

Artist: Lisa

Artist: Jackie

Artist: Jackie

Artist: Jackie

Artist: Jackie

Artist: Jackie

Artist: Jackie

Thanks everyone for the tips - I tried to do a little with the photoshop...any better?

What did i get done? This....

So this is what came about today.....

Me for today....

So I got a phone call. Not good news. (No one's health at stake so not bad like that, thankfully). None the less wasn't what I wanted to hear today, but oh well. I'm not sure what happened to today - I had all these plans of things I wanted and need to do....ahhhh...oh well.....the beat goes on.

Lisa's Designs are here!!!!

Lisa's Dragon Fly Set....Love it!
Lisa's Simply devine....

Lisa's multi pastel pearl it love it!!
Here is Lisa's beginning......
....according to me we are off to a fantastic start!!!!!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

So my fave pic of the day....

This one is from Xmas - big fan of the aerial view - ha. And they were playing so nicely together. Love girls girls girls....and we can't close the evening without an inspirational quote now can we....

"Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true." Leon J. Suenes

New Creations of the day...

My first set....
Second set....

Pic not the best...still working on it...pretty pearls

Love this color combo...

Whole necklace...I know the pic is a bit hard to get a pic of jewelry....

Celtic bracelet...pic could be better...
So here's today's set of work!! I need to get better pics. I have only taken like a million pics. This is the best I can do for tonight :-). Let me know what you think!! I should have some more from Lisa soon too!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Fave pic of the day....

This is called repitition. I know we have it below, but just so proud......Hey, the title says fave pic of the day. This is it!!!


Me Me Me!!

This is a better pic of the one I posted yesterday. Thanks to all those with the natural light suggestion!! Hope you like it. I have one more, but the natural light has run out for the day :-(. Tomorrow will be here soon enough and I want to get some more done. I'm on a mission. Lisa and I have found ourselves in a conundrum to find the perfect name for this little venture of ours. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Long day - good day...Andrew is now meandering in the DVD collection so I guess cuddles and a movie is in my near future!!! Sounds good to me...

"The greatest thing you'll ever learn Is to love and be loved in return." ~ From "Unforgettable with Love" by Natalie Cole

Here's where it all begins.....

Our Designs
Lisa's Design

My Design

These are the first peices in the Summer Collection :-). Everything on these pendants is what we stand for in life and in the new adventure we are beginning. Please let us know what you think!!!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Fave pic of the day....

My little Miss Fashionista...She was just so cute this morning before school I had to take a picture. She was thrilled obviously :-). I guess it was too early for her, she's usually a ham! Anyway, Haley and I had a good day together today. A little bonding over shoe shopping and I'm in her heart forever...that's my Haley!

New Attempts

So as in my entry yesterday I introduced you to my Lisa. Well Lisa and I have been talking about a venture of any sort for a long long time now. We have finally decided on that venture. We have been going back and forth about ideas and everything still falling into place. I got so excited that I went out in attempts at a first of many I hope. I was so lost in all those isles, but so many choices!!! Oh this will be fun!! We are meeting up tomorrow to go on our first "business meeting" - lol. Anyway, here's what I have done today and I hope you like it. Just getting the creative juices flowing and we shall see whats next....
"Adventure is worthwhile." -Amelia Earhart
Simple and sweet, but I think she's got it right. Let me know what you think and Lisa and I will try to do better everytime! Stay tuned!!!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Interesting to have gotten this today....

So, I subscribed to, she is all about positiveness. We have all been seeing the trend to my week so no need to go into todays events. But I finally get home and I read my email...this is the quote she sent today...

"Promise yourself that just for today, you will not give up, that you will keep trying, and tomorrow will take care of itself." Lucy MacDonald

Here I still stand (well sit really, but you get the idea), not giving up. Once again, we lived through today and everyone is healthy, so let's hope tomorrow does indeed take care of itself.....mainly because I will not have the time to take care of that too....

Favorite pic of the day.....

Me and my Lisa. We met and instantly fell in love - lol - as college roomates. And the rest is history as they say. Some good stories if there is ever time to tell them...This pic was taken March 29, 2008 at her wedding...#2 that is!! Not second marraige, just second wedding. March 2007 we all flew out to Vegas for wedding #1. I don't really think I have to say much other than 2 days before the wedding at her bachelorette party, she took a small trip and broke her leg! There is some Vegas luck for you....Anyway, here we STAND 1 year later and we were blessed to celebrate Lisa and Helder's love one more time!!! It was an honor to watch them dance (without the assistance of wheels) on their best day ever.........

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Fave Pix of the Day!!

These are the to Angels that will always make me smile at the end of any kind of day. They were doing a little boogieing before bed......

Was today better than yesterday?

Oh no no no......I just don't know what to say. I have so many things I want to do. I want to do it all! I want to spend more time with my kids, have a more flexible schedule, enjoy my work, and get paid for it. I'm not saying I want an easy ride...well aware there is no such thing. I want to work hard and I want to feel satisfied and proud of my work. I can't live only existing. I know because I tried for a while and it's justs not me. I'm not a sitter. Once one thing is done I move on and find out whats next to keep my attention. Now it may not always be productive and it may not always pertain to what I should be doing, but if I choose to put effort into it, you will get my 150% everytime. Is there any reason I can't have everything I want? Well, I can tell you one thing that puts a damper on it. A bad day! Blah blah blah...thinking la la...

But anyway, I do have to say there is nothing like walking through the door of my house, being greeted by bouncy puppies, a squeal from the kids, and a "Hey Hun!" from the hubby. In that exact order Leave the troubles under the doormat to be picked up in the morning, but once in this

So now I sit watching/listening to Ghost Hunters. And my husband is making fun of Grant because he has crocks on. Ha ha ha...I am a tad suprised myself that HE would wear them. LOL. Sorry to those who don't watch the show. But you should! Fabulousness! I want to go stay at one of those haunted hotels. Playing with ghosts sounds like fun!!

So now that I have talked about this and that and nothing really at all...thats the thoughts on today...any wonder.....

Let's see what kind of qoute I can pull out today....I think this works....

"Life is like a game of cards. The hand that is dealt you represents determinism; the way you play it is free will."~Jawaharal Nehru

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Favorite pic of the day.....

Picture by Me

My lil' Ashley. Gets into EVERYTHING!!!!! We're lucky she isn't eating the chalk at this point. I lie...she did give it a try, judging by the look on her face it must have tasted like....chaulk.