Friday, April 11, 2008

Simple things people say make an impression.

So I'm in JoAnn Fabric the other day picking up red flower petals for Haley's dress. Waiting in line patiently thinking about all the things I need to and how sloooooow the cashier was going. She really wasn't going slow, but when I'm in a rush everything is in slow motion. Anyway, there was a gentleman in front of me probably in his mid sixties. You know he was picking something up for his wife, which is just the cutest thing ever. I often think what it will be like to be old with my husband, but then I remember that in a couple years the clock is going to stop and I just simply won't get any I guess I'll never know. Ha. So the cashier checks him out and as a well mannered and chipper sales person she says, "Have a nice day!" I hope his response stays with me forever..."And you have a better tomorrow." Between his sweet voice, the time he took to say it slowly while looking her in the eye, and deep sincerity of his statement it almost brought tears to my eyes. All of a sudden I wasn't in such a rush anymore and the funniest thing, when I actually thought about it, I wasn't late to begin with. I hope I am never to busy to stop and take a moment to see and hear things like that and allow them to make a permanent impression in my heart. So thank you to him whoever and wherever he is and hopes that all his tomorrows shine brighter!!!

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