Wednesday, April 9, 2008

How this all began. Where it's going nobody knows.

So I have 2 kids and a full time job. My husband, Andy, also works full time. We have been very lucky to have had my Mother-in-Law to watch the children thus far. Well, as we all know mixing family and business doesn't work out sometimes. So she quit. Last Wednesday. And didn't come back. So far we have been juggling, taking a couple days off to do it and fuming and worrying. None of which is helping. Did I mention there is a good chance of lay off in my near future? So that solves the childcare part, but doesn't solve the need to work and have health insurance bit that once again adults never told kids how hard it is to be an adult. I think parents should share more. Share the bills and share the process. No one wants to burden kids with this information, but if you knew what it was going to be like to be you now when you were say 10 - 12 years old, would you have saved a few more pennies? Would you have you have invested some money? So I think every parent needs to start sharing more info with kids. If they got a hint at what it's like to be an adult and be responsible then maybe they would enjoy being young and stay that way longer. But if we get into what I think of kids getting too old too fast then we will be here all day.

Back to the problem at hand. May not have a job....May be permanently out of childcare........Where do you start without the answer to the other? And then what happens if you don't have both? So childcare will be solved with myself. I still need insurance and an income. I want to do something amazing with my life! Don't we all? I want to be someone, I want to be noticed, and of course I want to support my family. Is there such a fairytale life that with hard work and drive you will just get there? Some force in the universe will just part and that golden door will be there with the gleaming light above....right? Can we WILL it to happen? Well I guess we will have to wait and see if any brilliant ideas come to me in my sleep or on the john or via email....anyone?

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