Monday, April 14, 2008

My kids entertain me.....

I always hope I don't bore people with my stories, but they are so entertaining to me! A little clause: I have decided I need to write down the funny things my girlies do and say and bore all you guys with it and so I can laugh and embaress them later on in life with some tidbits. So forgive me if I go on and on since this is the first time. (Wow - Haven't said that in a while. Ha!)
Those of you who know Haley know that she is a bit quirky. She has her likes and dislikes, she is unwavering to changing her mind (unless threatened that she won't be able to attened Lexi's birthday party if she doens't clean her room...then quick as lightening). She is very artistic and extremely smart. She has a goofy sense of humor but fears embarressment most. She loves to love and loves to be loved. She is cautious at all turns and doesn't trust easily. She is a pretty princess...and loves every minute of it. This is also the child who notices how many times someone in a musical changes their shoes...from the girl that if given a choice (and this theory was recently tested and proven correct) between the toy dept. or the clothing dept. immediately walked to the clothes section and picked herself out an outfit and a pocketbook to match, keeping in mind she has matching shoes at home!!!!!! (And I can also honestly say that I had NO influence on this whatsoever.....not even I can keep up) We are in soooooo much trouble. She is so funny, she's a little hypocondriac (her teacher told us she had a class full of little complainers - can you imagine a class of 5 year olds complaining all the time? Confirming why I am not a teacher) and the "problems" she is having are getting more imaginative by the minute. The other morning she was laying on the couch and Andrew comes out and tells her to get dressed for school. She says in a tiny and very dramatic way, "I can't get legs hurt because my bones are touching my skin."...You figure it out! LOL
She is growing so fast and it's freaking me out, but she is still sooooooooo innocent and naive. OK - time for a story....we are watching Family Guy (for all you preggos or if you have wee ones - don't let your kids watch this show....brings up waaaaaaay too many hard to answer questions) I was the episode where Chris and Peter were in the sauna and Chris's towel opened and Peter discovered his son's "third leg" (I just assume everyone watches). So about 15 minutes later the show is almost over and Haley pipes up with, "this show is funny....he has 3 legs!" So I proceeded to laugh hysterically while Haley turns red and starts getting mad at me (God forbid she is just funny and cute). When I was able to contain myself again she turn to Daddy and asks, "Daddy, if he has 3 come they won't show us the third one?" So, of course, I was very interested in his answer...ha ha...but you know, I don't think he ever actually answered the question....mumbled something and then changed the subject.
It's Haley's 5th birthday about 7am...Haley wakes up and comes out to the living room. I was on the couch with the wee one. Haley, in her first waking up half whine half sratchy pathetic voice, "Am I 5 years old yet?".....I, of course said the obvious and Haley comes back with, "Well then, why am I still so close to the ground?"
OK, one more Haley anecdote....we grew up with The Wizard of Oz (We being you and I). You have the Scarecrow, the Cowardly Lion, and the Tin Man. Keeping this in mind that movie is as old as we has progressed a bit since then. My Mom gives Haley the Wizard of Oz...a timeless classic...and then askes her when she is done watching what everyone was looking for? You know its 2008 when.....Her response, " The Scarecrow was looking for a brain, the Lion wanted to be King, and the Robot needed a heart."
Thats all I have for now on that one. I don't know if I have specific stories with Ashley yet. She doesn't talk much, but is very animated at the same time. She is very outgoing and when you take her to the grocery store (you know you always go in the door that you have to walk all the way down the ends of the checkout to get in) she does the Queen's wave as she passes all the people in line. If someone isn't looking at her she will stare at you and bat the lashes until you tell her she is cute. She will bark at you if you ask her what dogs say. Her squeals of joy will go right through you but when she speaks its the softest voice ever. Don't tell her no and duck if she's mad. Six teeth and she knows how to use them! This little girl will eat anything, I mean ANYTHING! She is fun and likes to be funny, but I don't think she will put up with her big sister's crap. If Ashley wants something, there is nothing that will get in her way.....and she'll stand so proud when she gets it. Her laugh is infectious and her kisses are priceless.
So thats that for me being a proud Mommy and rambling on about my kids. I assume you would have stopped reading by now if you weren't interested. So for you still reading....Thanks for being interested and I hope you have a good day whatever you are doing!!

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