Thursday, July 31, 2008

Organization Mode.....

It's finally hit me, I think I got my mojo back...ha ha ha. Well, the insatiable urge to be organized. I don't know what's causing it. Maybe my muscles are finally loosening up or maybe it's because I have kept my house perfectly clean for 4 whole days!!!! I know that sounds a little weird, but you have no idea how hard it is to keep these 5 rooms clean. We have 3 dogs and 1 dog that visits during the day.....fur fur fur....2 days after a vacuum it fills right back up again. And I wonder why my allergies are out of control. Then there is the children. Haley will pick up, but then the poor thing watches Ashley undo all her good doings.....then she undoes it further herself. It's a vicious cycle. Getting out for a portion of the day seems helpful too. For both Psyche and cleanliness. When we are away...the dogs just sleep so no harm can be done. So out we go...a little earlier than planned seeing as Ashley is refusing to take a nap we go........

"A day will never be anymore than what you make of it. Practice being a "doer"!
- Josh S. Hinds

quote from

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

On to Another Day of Searching....Not Sure for What Though

Up and ad am, nice and early......workout, I do have to say again sorry if it's annoying, but I love that Sharon Mann Kickboxing episode. Three days in a row now.....and I can certainly feel it ha ha ha. My hubby was nice enough to give me a little rub last night, but I think he just enjoys inflicting pain on me with my permission...ha ha.

Still have all the fun future decisions to make and still no further to having an answer or a plan. I am running out of time. Why does it seem like time is going by even faster now? Because it's Summer? Because I am enjoying myself?

Here comes August. It's always a good month. Well, actually there are good days that happen in August, but for some reason we never have money in August. Thankfully that won't be a problem this August which makes me sooooo happy. Good days are always good, but money always makes them a little better :-). Might sound shallow, but tell me you don't agree. My anniversary comes up on the 23rd. Five whole years ago we walked down that isle. What a great day. It was sooooo much fun. I can't wait until we renew those vows in another 5 years.

Then comes my birthday, which I usually count down to starting on the 1st of the month (to the 29Th). I used to be ashamed, but now it's funny, I have the honor of sharing my birthday with the King of Weirdoism, Michael Jackson. Oh and John McCain, ho hum. Any who, I don't think I will be counting down this year and I'm not sure there is a need for me to get any older. This birthday will put me in my late twenties. I don't want to be in my late twenties. Now I know anyone I say this to that is older than me is rolling there eyes and thinking I am ridiculous. Maybe I am, but just hear me out. I remember in Jr. High and High School imagining myself as an adult. Here's the thing, I never went past 25? I could never fathom being older than that. It seemed so far away.....but now 2 years past that? If someone asks me my age and I'm not expecting it, I still say 25. Twenty-six just never came out, so now I am supposed to say 27? Ugh!!!!!! What good happens after 25? My car insurance is as low as it gets, I can rent a car in any state, and and then had to choose the 25-35 category on all yay....why go any further......OK enough about that......let's get a quote out for today....

"You know you're getting old when the candles cost more than the cake. "

~Bob Hope

That is soooooo true!! I just looked in our drawer and they come in packages of 8!!!!! LOLOLOLOL

Monday, July 28, 2008

Sharon Mann Just kicked my Behind!!!!!

I'm telling you. For a short workout the sweat was pouring. This is definitely a DVR keeper!!!!

"In Shape with Sharon Mann Tai Chi/Kickboxing I TV-G, CC Hosted and designed by four time Canadian Aerobics Champion Sharon Mann, this exercise show blends Pilates, Kick boxing, Tai Chi, Boxercise, Boot Camp, Yoga and Interval training. It's loaded with fitness information and extra fitness tips."

Look past the pigtails and jolly smile for a hardcore workout!!!!!

The Dunelands Cavendish PEI

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Quote of the Day

Getting ready for Monday. The best day of the week to get organized, to get going, and to start the week off right. I have my to do list and it is a mile long. I need to just get up and do it. Easier said than done? Let's hope not. My vacation is over and we are officially unpacked (I do still have more pics coming, I went a tad crazy). Groceries are back in the cabinets and the laundry is well on it's way. The house is mostly clean, just need to wash it all down from top to bottom. Shouldn't take long. We'll see.
The McElwain Family Challenge goes back on track tomorrow, maybe even more hardcore than before. Andy was nice enough (and I spared you from them) to take some pictures of me from behind in my bathing suit and I see where I need to put my efforts for a while.....thanks Hun!! Ha ha....also, I have upped the amount of weight i need to lose to here we go!!!
The other exciting thing is my Mother-in-Law wants to lose a few pounds too. She falls in Andy's boat of not knowing how much or how many to eat so she has asked me to come up with a diet plan for her.....project #2 here we come! We shall dub this the MIL Challenge......we'll add the F later....ha ha ha....don't worry, we have a very close relationship (no, not that close, but much closer than most mother-in-law/daughter-in-law deals go). This will start Aug. 1st!
I have a long list of custom orders to get going on...hopefully bang out quite a few tomorrow!!! I'm ready to go!!!!

Pool Time @ the Fairways Cottages PEI

Cavendish National Park PEI (Beach)

Saturday, July 26, 2008

"Procrastination is the fear of success. People procrastinate because they are afraid of the success that they know will result if they move ahead now. Because success is heavy, carries a responsibility with it, it is much easier to procrastinate and live on the "someday I'll" philosophy."
Denis Waitley
Quote From
This is me today. I think I'm tired, but not really. I just don't think I want to do anything. Relaxing sounds so good. I have a list a mile long, but can't seem to put in on paper or into action. So here I sit....needing a vacation from my vacation......

Avonlea Anne of Green Gables Cavedish PEI