Thursday, July 17, 2008

Why things happen the way they do......

Do we control our destiny? Does God? Is it predetermined? Does paranormal exist? Or interact?I know it's a little early for these questions, but I'm surious. Happenings lately (IE. my last post) and it's just weird the way things work. We had no intentions of going on a vacation next week. Then Prince Edward Island popped into my head. Then I mentioned it to Andy and he got excited (he is pretty laid back - lol). All this in a week and a halfs time. This being their peak season we had our fingers crossed to even get a cottage, nevermind the best cottage they had. Someone happened to cancel their reservation the day before I called. Okay, a bit of luck.

So I have mentioned we like Ghost Hunters and other such shows. The last few nights it has been on a lot. About 3 nights ago we were just sitting ont he couch watching and Ashley's Elmo Toy went off. It's one of those lap toys, Elmo is in the middle (slightly more raised than the buttons surrounding him). No one was moving to possibly shake the shelves (plus they are kind of built in the wall) so i have no idea why it went off. We really thought nothing of it, just seemed to be funny right after T.A.P.S. found some pretty clear evidence. The very next night we were watching again and again Elmo gave a giggle....Okay then......creepiest of all.......last night about 3 minutes before I found that penny (while watching the new episode of Ghost Hunters)....Elmo went off yet AGAIN and he was on the other side of the room on the toy box!!! I am here all day and it just doesn't happen. I am looking at it right now, quiet as can be. Am I just crazy or is that strange?

Another story I just love...the fun to try. Andrew's brother, Rory, passed away about 4 1/2 years ago on January 10th, 2004. He was in a car accident and he happened to have borrowed Andy's Camaro's when it happened. Andy in turn inherited his truck. It has never really run good. It has had at least 3 different engines and just refuses to cooperate. On his last attempt to bring her back to life, he was just finishing the nuts and botls of the engine with one last part to go. Forgive me, I have been with him 7 years and still don't know the names of any fo these parts, but what I do know is it was black and about 10 inches long and not all that small. He couldn't find it anywhere! His boss helped him look everywhere and neither one could find it. being as late as it was, they swept the floor and locked up for the night. They both came in the next morning to the 10 inch black not so small peice was right on the shop floor in front of the truck.....right where the broom has swept the night figure it out...........

1 comment:

Pam @ The Blue Between said...

haha, we enjoy TAPS too - and do you know, Frank went out and bought a digital voice recorder so he can ask our ghosts some questions... because yes, this house is WAY haunted. I keep kicking them out, he keeps inviting them back in. My poor cat... you should see him running around looking spooked with his fur all standing up all the time.