Wednesday, July 30, 2008

On to Another Day of Searching....Not Sure for What Though

Up and ad am, nice and early......workout, I do have to say again sorry if it's annoying, but I love that Sharon Mann Kickboxing episode. Three days in a row now.....and I can certainly feel it ha ha ha. My hubby was nice enough to give me a little rub last night, but I think he just enjoys inflicting pain on me with my permission...ha ha.

Still have all the fun future decisions to make and still no further to having an answer or a plan. I am running out of time. Why does it seem like time is going by even faster now? Because it's Summer? Because I am enjoying myself?

Here comes August. It's always a good month. Well, actually there are good days that happen in August, but for some reason we never have money in August. Thankfully that won't be a problem this August which makes me sooooo happy. Good days are always good, but money always makes them a little better :-). Might sound shallow, but tell me you don't agree. My anniversary comes up on the 23rd. Five whole years ago we walked down that isle. What a great day. It was sooooo much fun. I can't wait until we renew those vows in another 5 years.

Then comes my birthday, which I usually count down to starting on the 1st of the month (to the 29Th). I used to be ashamed, but now it's funny, I have the honor of sharing my birthday with the King of Weirdoism, Michael Jackson. Oh and John McCain, ho hum. Any who, I don't think I will be counting down this year and I'm not sure there is a need for me to get any older. This birthday will put me in my late twenties. I don't want to be in my late twenties. Now I know anyone I say this to that is older than me is rolling there eyes and thinking I am ridiculous. Maybe I am, but just hear me out. I remember in Jr. High and High School imagining myself as an adult. Here's the thing, I never went past 25? I could never fathom being older than that. It seemed so far away.....but now 2 years past that? If someone asks me my age and I'm not expecting it, I still say 25. Twenty-six just never came out, so now I am supposed to say 27? Ugh!!!!!! What good happens after 25? My car insurance is as low as it gets, I can rent a car in any state, and and then had to choose the 25-35 category on all yay....why go any further......OK enough about that......let's get a quote out for today....

"You know you're getting old when the candles cost more than the cake. "

~Bob Hope

That is soooooo true!! I just looked in our drawer and they come in packages of 8!!!!! LOLOLOLOL

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