Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Final Goodbye

So I haven't written about the final events to the heartbreaking situation that my friend is going through. Tuesday was the Wake and the Funeral followed on Wednesday. The last few days have been filled with hugs, tears, support, weariness, and laughing. I'm not even sure rollercoaster fits, but close enough.

I went with my friend Amanda and we were just onlookers for most of it, as my friend was surrounded by family. So I watched the whole thing unfold before my eyes and I'm not sure I have ever seen nor do I ever wish to see again one of my friends in so much pain. Pain that a pill will never fix and even time will not erase. It's not fair, there is nothing right about how this all took place. As I have said many times I do believe things happened for a reason and without trying to sound heartless, I have already seen some of those reasons come out. I know without knowing the "whole story" it's hard to even know what I mean, but I'm not about airing a story that doesn't belong to me with such a sensitive subject.

We stood in the back of the church for the Mass and just watched. We watched as people mourned. We watched her 4 year old son slip into the sadness and break down into tears which then lead everyone in attendance to join him. At the closing, they wheeled the casket down the isle and I watched as someone so dear to me, at 9 months pregnant, be held up as she followed her husband out the double doors and be placed in the back of the hearse. All the cars filed to the cemetery and we watched the final goodbyes. The priest blessed him and his family and we all said our final prayers. The priest annointed the casket with Holy Oil, as it beaded up and rolled down the sides, tears rolled down the cheeks of the people who he was closest to and the rest of us for the people he left behind.

I wish nothing but peace for her from now until forever. She will be having a baby, which hopefully I will get to be there for, and her life will go on and He will never be forgotten. I still feel like this is right out of a movie and if it isn't it should be. The only thing missing so far is the happy ending. I hope to report not too far off of the happy ending that will be for my dear friend.

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