Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Good Morning....

Hellooooo to you. So this isn't a blog about my relationship, but I suppose it will come up here and there. This is also a new beginning adventure, so not all bashing - lol. From my first posts I have talked about weight loss. It has been a life long struggle for me cycling around and around. In the last year and a half I seem to have conquered quite a few "demons" when it comes to the scale. Although still not ready to admit my weight, since February 2007 I have lost 80 lbs. An accomplishment yes, a boost of confidence yes, and more attention? Well, I don't really know about outside attention, when I am out in about in this world doing my thing I seem to be in my own little world and tend not to be too observant....of topic, anyways, wanted that attention from the hubby. Part of the lack in increase was he never cared when I was fat. It didn't make a difference in the world to him. I was just as beautiful then to him as I am now...problem, I didn't feel that way. Well, turns out as I have attempted to continue the loss, he has finally started understanding what began this journey. That dreaded picture that is taken of you and you look at it and no longer recognize the person in it. First of all, my husband is not fat by any means, but he will be soon if he isn't careful - lol.

He has absolutely no clue what a calorie is, how many you are supposed to eat, what an exercises routine is...it's kinda cute. For once I get to do the teaching instead me trying to understand what the hell he talks about some chip he just bought that you can put in a car and track all the activity for 24 hours and you get to see gas mileage and compressions, and all these other intricate things I would never know what to do with. So we start yesterday and before he got home from work he had 2 Coffee Cake Muffins from Dunkin Donuts.....does that sound like a diet to anyone else? So we start over today....all as a family. Not that the children are going on a diet, but their diet will change. I think there is a little too much sugar running through their veins.

So Andy woke me up this morning so I could make him breakfast (you see what happened when he makes his own food decisions) and then I began my workout. Kids get up right as my show starts...figures...then Ashley always feels the need to hug me while I'm doing crunches, I guess she thinks I need more resistance. Then there is the dogs, Roxy in particular (the beagle), if I were ever stuck in the woods she would be the one I want with me. If I lay on the floor for any reason she comes over and sticks her long snout under the back of my neck to try and help me up. The further forward I am in the crunch the more of her body goes under the back of my neck. So Now I have Roxy trying to support and lift me up and Ashley laying and hugging the front of me and all I want to do is a simple crunch...hahaha....so glad there are no hidden cameras....Everyone does eventually get bored and wonder away leaving the kids to attempt the exercises for themselves. That is always a good laugh. Haley forever does things backwards because she does get the whole opposite of the TV thing and Ashley thinks she is doing exactly what they say then falls then laughs and does it again, but it's time together...nothing but quality.

Today is the day the McElwain clan of Littleton turn over a new leaf. Trying to eat much better food...all the junk went in the trash last night.....and get our bodies moving. I have 10-15lbs to go. Andy has his goal and I want to see the kids worn out everyday!!! I'll keep you posted on how it goes and apologize now for all the complaining. Andy is going to be miserable. He is convinced he will starve to death (God forbid you only put 2 teaspoons of cream cheese on a bagel). Oh well, this too shall pass and as long as it doesn't cause divorce we will all be healthier in the long run......

"The best six doctors anywhere and no one can deny it Are sunshine, water, rest, and air Exercise and diet.These six will gladly you attend If only you are willing Your mind they'll ease Your will they'll mend And charge you not a shilling."
~Nursery rhyme quoted by Wayne Fields, What the River Knows, 1990

Quote from: http://www.quotegarden.com

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