Thursday, July 10, 2008

McElwain Family Fitness Challenge Update

In all this lack of hot water I forgot to update you on our little family work over. I am very proud to report that the hubby, Andy, has not starved to death to date. He lost 6lbs at his first weekly weigh in!!! I am soooo happy for him. The kids are definitely doing great. Haley hasn't had any bellyaches since the fruit invasion. Fabulous. I, however, in my quest to lose that last 12lbs have hit a wall.....face first. I can't stop eating. I am working out very hard and regularly so at least I am not gaining, but I am certainly not helping myself get to the last step in this battle. I can almost be at peace with it though and I know I can do it. I have come 95% the way so maybe a good swift kick in the ...

Oh, but I did get this new workout book and so far I love it. I've only had a couple days with it, but surely let you know if I get any results!!

I think it's time for a little Norman Vincent Peale for me. A little literary motivation...... Let's see if I can't find some time to read that book in the next couple days.........

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