Thursday, July 10, 2008

Is There Such Thing as Blogging too Much...

Apparently I'm in the mood to spew today....but I promise I will not bring up the formentioned matter again. I've been stuck in a lot lately...ha ha ha....and it has left me much time to think. What's Next? Is it too forward of me to just assume that one day the idea will just illuminate in my head and I will just know? Or a certain circumstance will introduce me to my next adventure? Thats what happened with my last job. Not for nothing, but my life was going kind of crappy at the time and we were actually thinking of moving out of state. Then my Mom says to me (isn't it irritating when they are right all the time?), "Well what if you got your dream job and everything worked out?"

Two days later, the phone rang and Amy Mance was on the other end. She spelled out a job selling hair products to salons....right up my alley. Then she mentioned the product eyes just lit right up!! I went for the interview and really didn't think I had the job, then 2 days after that I got the job and my life spun INTO control. I had money, I paid my bills, we fixed our relationship (money does a hell of a job on that too) and I got to breath long enough to allow the me on the inside to change too. I worked hard, I worked at home at night, basically I busted my ass. I am a competitive soul and apparently that comes flying out when tossed in a sales position. I was given one of the worst territories going.......then within 13 months I was #1 and soon was promoted to Team Lead. I maintained both for another 2 1/2 years. I won't lie and say the entire experience was a pleasant one. I learned soooooooo much though. All those negative instances roll into a more confident, cautious, and intelligent me. Those lessons are irriplacable. When I found out it was ending it wasn't a total shock. We had glued the trail of evidence they left together (I mean really, they didn't try to hide it - lol) and we waited. My thoughts when all said and done........I loved my team, I loved my bosses, and I loved the life and professional experiences it left me with......the money wasn't too shabby thing though...........

Now what? No other company quite does it the way they did, so yeah. Do I want to stay in sales? If so, what kind? Life is sales in my opinion. Everyday we walk around trying to sell ourselves for what we want to be seen as and we try to sell our abilities at work to stay ahead of everyone else. These don't always come with commission though. The only thing we try not to do is sell ourselves short.

Basically I am still young enough to openly fathom the idea that the world is at my finger tips, but the issue with that is, like a young person I want to touch everything. I tell my Mom all the time, I don't want to get up and do the same thing everyday. I would like to have a Monday job, then another for Tuesday, and so on, you see where I am headed. Is this possible? A dream? Or my ADD kicking in?

The saying goes (excuse my reference to daytime television), "You should find a job that you love so much you would do it for free." A quote from the always witty and intelligent Judge Joe Mathis. I need to get out!!! Not that anyone would or could work for free, but if you love your job you will always do a good one.

Remember on TV shows we watched growing up, the guidance couselors in high school always administered tests and then handed them an index card that had their life career path on it. I never got one of those, but I think it would be great if someone could come up with some apptitude test of sorts that had down to a science the best outlet for any person. Is that something the "Easy Button" can take care of? So for my sake I am going to list my interests and or skills and then maybe I can see......something......????

Animal Lover (but not so much I won't eat meat - more like rescue)
Constantly going (Energizer bunnyish - sometimes I annoy myself)
Helping....anyone or anything (except bugs - especially spiders)
Celebrity life (sad sad obsession)
Designing (anything from an outfit, to a piece of jewelry, to a drawing)
Excersize and Fitness (becoming another obsession)
Making Lists (I am infamous for making extravagantly detailed lists....then leaving them at home)
Real Estate (fascinates me for some weird reason)

The only ones in order are the 1st 3.....after that in no random order. And speaking of random? That list? How do you make heads or tails of that? I am a smart girl...or so I tell myself in the mirror, but which, what, how do you find the perfect combo career? That's it...a Combo Career. You heard it here first. There has to be more people like thing alone just doesn't cut it...screw the old, "Jack of all trade, Master of None" theory....Master them all right? Master life? Master your future........COMBO CAREER - tell everyone - it's OK to want it all.

Well I'll sit on that thought and see if anything comes about. I feel like I just went on on for days........

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