Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Our PEI Adventure Begins

So at 8:30am this morning (exactly an hour and a half behind schedule - lol) we hit the road. I can't say that I will be volunteering to be in the car with my children for another 10 and some odd hours (other than to get home), but we have made it to the beautiful and very green Prince Edward Island Canada, Cavendish to be exact. Long ride and many, "Stop that's" and "No, we are not there yet"s. Oh boy......and we have to go home that way....lol. OK - well we are here, safe and sound. Our Cottage is Beautiful!!! I was getting a little nervous. As we drove we passed other "cottages" along the way, I was really hoping that I had done enough research and wasn't going to regret the choice I made, but upon 3 minutes of arrival....it's just right!!!! I think it's actually nicer than the house i live in all year round....ha ha ha.......


Just an FYI, but I am going to hit the hay and see this place int he morning....oh I can't wait to wake up in the morning, the bigger challenge I think will be to go to sleep tonight.............

1 comment:

Pam @ The Blue Between said...

JACKIE!!! You went to Hawaii, not Canada??? LOL, check your link :) Have a great time! Hope the ride back includes sleeping children - maybe you can plan it that way.